20 Interesting Facts about Honey

Like many people you simply can’t do without some honey. Maybe you use the golden syrup in your cocktail, healthy drink, pastry, medicinal purposes and in other areas. But are you aware of the following interesting facts about honey?
1. Did you know that honey is a word in Hebrew that means charm or fascinate? The product has been used for many centuries in different communities?
2. Sealed vats containing honey were found in the tomb of King Tutankhamen in Egypt. The honey believed to be more than 2,000 years old was still in good shape and edible.
3. According to recent statistics, consuming honey before as well as after activity improved the rate of recovery in athletes.
4. Did you know that honey was originally used for culinary purposes? However, overtime it was incorporated in medicinal, therapeutic, beauty and other applications.
5. Honey is classified as a superfood and contains all essential nutrients that are needed to sustain life. A spoon of honey a day will keep diseases at bay.
6. Honey is the only known food that includes an antioxidant known as Pinocembrin. This substance is known to boost the functioning of the brain and improve memory.
7. Did you know that honey is composed of 80% natural sugars and only 20% water? The golden syrup also contains minerals, enzymes, and vitamins.
8. In the eleventh century, due to its high demand, peasants and farmers in German were required to pay the feudal lords in terms of beeswax or honey.
9. Did you know, to produce one pound of honey, bees have to fly more than 55,000 miles and visit about 2 million flowers?
10. Are you aware that opera singers use honey to sooth their throats as well as improve their energy?
11. Did you know that honey can’t rot or spoil if stored properly? It only requires being stored in tightly sealed containers.
12. Are you aware that honey is produced by a specific type of bee scientifically known as Apis mellifera that refers to honey-carrying bee?
13. Did you know that honey bees have been in existence for many millennia?
14. To make a trip around the world a honey bee only requires about two tablespoons (one ounce) to sustain it.
15. Honey is produced by bees in an environmentally friendly way and the activity also helps in pollination.
16. To gather one kilogram of honey, a hive or swarm of bees has to fly a distance of 90,000(144840 kilometers). This is like orbiting the earth three times.
17. A single honey collection trip will see the bee visit between 50 to 100 flowers. In its lifetime, the worker bee will produce about 1/12th of a teaspoon.
18. Did you know that honey is only collected by a class of bees known as worker bees? Other members who include the drone or queen aren’t involved in honey collection.
19. Honey is only collected during the warm season. In winter, the bees feed on the stored honey that was collected earlier.
20. Did you know that bee keepers only harvest the honey that bees don’t need? This can be as much as 45 kilograms.
There you have it- some 20 interesting facts about honey that you may or may not have been aware of. Such facts will certainly go a long way in making you enjoy and appreciate the golden syrup even more.