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8 Powerful Ways To Improve Your Memory

Modern days are characterized by new lifestyles which have significantly contributed to cognitive decline. Most of the people think they have a “poor memory”. However there is no such thing as bad memory. Anyone if dedicated and optimistic can improve their memory. It doesn’t require you to take expensive doctors prescriptions to boost your memory; you just need to follow some simple steps to sharpen your memory. The human brain has an astonishing ability to adapt to changes and thus can be harnessed to restructure its capacity and increase its ability to learn new information, increase cognitive ability thereby improving the memory.

Ways to improve your memory

· Eat the right food

The type of food you eat plays a vital role in your memory. Eating fresh vegetables is essential as they are rich in fats. Avoiding grain carbohydrates and sugars will be helpful to the brain.

Broccoli, walnuts and cauliflower contain antioxidants and several components that guarantee brain health and also stimulate production of new brain cells.

Increasing animal based omega-3 fat and reducing consumption omega-6 fats from processed vegetable oils can help you in balancing omega-3 to omega-6 ratio. Krill oil is beneficial as it contains astaxanthin which prevents omega-3 oxidation and also improve brain health.

Honey is also important to the brain. When honey is consumed before going to bed, it acts as a fuel source for the brain and helps in preserving memory. Honey also helps the body to absorb calcium, an important element in the brain. Consumption of both honey and milk helps the brain to assimilate and use calcium properly.

· Doing exercises

Regular exercises enable the brain to work at optimum capacity stimulating nerve multiplication, strengthening their interconnection and protecting them from damage. Physical exercise allows free flow of oxygen into the brain and also reduces chances of disorders that may cause memory loss such as cardiovascular disease.

· Socialize regularly

Human beings are generally social beings. Our survival depends on how well we interact with others. Social interactions help to ward off depression and stress, aspects that may lead to memory loss. Attending social events, gatherings, volunteer jobs and friends get together parties would do well to your brain. Laughter involves several active parts of the brain thus laughing helps to activate parts of the brain vital for creativity and learning.

· Sleep well

A sleep deprived brain can’t operate at full capacity. Sleep helps you to consolidate your memories, so that you can recall them down the road. It also helps to practice and improve your performance of challenging skills.

· Try mnemonic devices

These are devices that help you remember concepts, pieces of information and words. They aid you in arranging information in easy to remember format. It involves use visual images, acrostic, acronyms, rhymes and alliteration and also chunking which is breaking information into smaller “chunks”

· Stay mentally active

Engaging in purposeful and meaningful activities stimulates the neurological system and reduces incidences of having mild cognitive impairment. Do cross puzzles, learn to play musical instruments or start knitting lessons and help your brain stay healthy.

· Stop multitasking

Multitasking slows your cognitive capacity and makes prone to errors as well as make you forgetful. If you talking on the phone while at the same time carrying groceries then putting down your car keys, the highest probability is that you won’t remember why you placed them. Avoid multitasking and focus on one activity at a time.

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